Pablo Sandro
Ph.D Student
Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics Program
January 2021 – Present
Lab Technician
July 2018 – Present

From Uruguay, Canelones, Los Cerrillos
CB&QG it is a great place to learn and expand my knowledge in plant breeding. I have had the opportunity to continue learning how to apply quantitative genetics and plant breeding to help to develop more efficient and sustainable production systems. I think that the most exciting part of agronomy is using theoretical knowledge to resolve practical issues that have direct impact on results.
Since the summer of 2018, I have been working as technician in the CB&QG breeding program. I lead the coordination and participate in the experiment preparation, planting, harvest, and post-harvest activities in both the field and in the greenhouse. I also give support in the preparation of reports, documentation of line release, and production of summaries for breeding selection.
Research Interests
- Plant breeding
- Quantitative genetics
- Genomic selection
- Genomic prediction
- Genotype x Environment
- Sustainability
- Participatory breeding
- Cultivar development and value adding
- Local produce development
April 2016 – March 2018. National Postgraduate Fellowship, ANII (National agency for the investigation and the innovation). “Development of a mapping population and analysis of morpho-physiologic development in sexual biotypes of Paspalum dilatatum”.
September 2011 – August. 2012. Fellowship for introduction into research, ANII (National agency for the investigation and the innovation).
Title: “Analysis of the genetic a morphological diversity in a collection of Paspalum dilatatum subsp. flavescens”.
Selected Publications
Bhatta, M., Sandro, P., Smith, MR., Delaney, O., Voss-Fels, K-P., Gutierrez, L., Hickey, LT. Need for speed: manipulating plant growth to accelerate breeding cycles. Current Opinion in Plant Biology (accepted Dec 2020).
González-Barrios P, Bhatta, M., Halley, M., Sandro, P., Gutiérrez, L. Speed breedingand early panicle harvest accelerates oat (Avena sativaL.) breeding cycles. Crop Science. 2020; 1–11.
Sandro, P. Gutierrez, L. Speranza, P. (2019) Distribution of genetic and phenotypic diversity in the autogamous perennial Paspalum dilatatum subsp. flavescens Roseng., Arrill. & Izag. (Poaceae). P. Genet Resour Crop Evol (2019) 66: 1205.