Madhav Bhatta
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Jan 2019 – July 2020
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Current Position
Trait Interactions Assessment Breeder. Crop Breeding, Genetics and Genomics Group. Bayer.
Madhav’s reaserch projects were on: (i) development, optimization, and utilization of genomic prediction models for the cereal breeding program, (ii) development and deployment of small grains variety selector tool for the Midwestern region by utilizing a large scale historical dataset into a genomic prediction model, and (iii) breeding for beneficial microbiomes for enhancing crop yield and quality.
Ph.D. in Plant Breeding and Genetics with a Statistics Minor, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2018
Research Interests
- Breeding and quantitative genetics of small grains
- Cultivar and germplasm development
- Understanding of complex quantitative traits
- Multi-trait integration in a breeding program using latest genomics, bio-informatics, and statistical tools
- Study of genotype x environment x management, genotype x trait, and trait x trait interactions
- Experimental designs and large genomic data analysis for applied plant breeding
Selected Publications
Bhatta, M., Sandro, P., Smith, MR., Delaney, O., Voss-Fels, K-P., Gutierrez, L., Hickey, LT. Need for speed: manipulating plant growth to accelerate breeding cycles. Current Opinion in Plant Biology (accepted Dec 2020).
Hoefler, R., Gonzalez-Barrios, P., Bhatta, M., Berro, I., Nalin, R.S., Borges, A., Covarrubias, E., Diaz-Garcia, L., Gutierrez, L.‡. 2020. Do spatial designs outperform classic experimental designs? Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 10.1007/s13253-020-00406-2
González-Barrios P, BhattaM, Halley M, Sandro P, Gutiérrez L. Speed breedingand early panicle harvest accelerates oat (Avena sativaL.) breeding cycles. Crop Science. 2020; 1–11.
Bhatta M, Gutierrez L, Cammarota L, Cardozo F, Germán S, Gómez-Guerrero B, Pardo MF, Lanaro V, Sayas M, Castro AJ. Multi-trait Genomic Prediction Model Increased the Predictive Ability for Agronomic and Malting Quality Traits in Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics. 2020 Mar 1;10(3):1113-24.